Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis
DCF analysis estimates the value of an investment based on its expected future cash flows, discounted back to its present value.
This method provides a detailed assessment of a company’s intrinsic value.
- Forecasting Cash Flows: Estimate the company’s future cash flows based on historical performance and future projections.
- Determining the Discount Rate: Calculate the discount rate, often the company’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
- Calculating Present Value: Discount the forecasted cash flows to their present value and sum them to determine the intrinsic value of the investment.
Economic Moat Analysis
Economic moat analysis evaluates a company’s competitive advantage and its ability to maintain profitability over time. Companies with strong economic moats are likely to outperform their peers in the long term.
- Types of Economic Moats: Identify the type of moat, such as cost advantages, network effects, intangible assets, and efficient scale.
- Assessing Durability: Evaluate how long the company can sustain its competitive advantage.
Comparable Company Analysis (Comps)
Comparable company analysis involves evaluating a company’s valuation metrics against those of similar companies in the same industry. This method provides a relative valuation perspective.
- Selecting Comparables: Choose companies with similar business models, sizes, growth rates, and market conditions.
- Analyzing Multiples: Compare key valuation multiples such as P/E, EV/EBITDA, and P/B ratios.